Name: Abdee Negara
Place / Date of birth: Danggala, 28 June 1968
Game style: Blues, Rock, (free)
Group Band: Slank
Musical influence: Keith Richard, Ry Cooder
Gisela Used: Extreme Abdee signature Telecaster, Fender Telecaster
He fled from the city of Palu to Jakarta to become professional musicians. First he joined the band with Ecky Lamoh, Gideon Tengker, and Henky Supit. So then a session player for various other artists, ranging from leather to Ermy Trio Kwek-Kwek.
Into the discussion when he and knowledgeable partner, Ridho didaulat as the new guitarist Slank replace that mendarahdaging Pay for the fans Slank that time. Initially, the Slankers had doubted the capacity as a replacement for Pay. However, in reality, and is not in accordance with the initial estimate of the Slankers. Even the contribution provided by Abdee against Slank Pay can be exceeded. Understandably, other than as a guitarist, also Abdee master sound engineer. Abdee who now handles the creation of albums Slank.
Seven albums released in 1997 is the debut albums with Slank. In the album he displays game ngeblues to the Slankers. If Slank albums never penetrate the previous figure of 1 million pieces, with the influx Abdee on the formation of this new Slank thus able to increase sales Slank albums. Abdee also often display a game with a solo using a slide. If you hear game slide in the songs Slank it specializes, who Abdee coverflow.
Slank together, have Abdee released the album Seven (1997), Currency Reform Exercise (1999), 999 09 1 999 09 2, and then Ngangkang (2000), Virus (2001), a one and then move (2003).
Besides busy with Slank, Abdee also recorded as a sound engineer and producer for the album to other music groups such as Seurieus. He also became one of the clinician in the magazine along with members of the G Plus, Owen. For guitar, Abdee become endorser and artists for the brand Extreme guitar. Nevertheless, he still wanted the model Telecaster.
April 20, 2017 at 1:43 AM
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